Thursday, January 26, 2017

Healthy Living Tips For Creative Entrepreneurs

Calling all creatives! You've got to remember to take care of yourself. When you're healthy, your business is healthy. Whether you blog, run an Etsy shop, or freelance your creative abilities, making healthy choices with help your business thrive.

But this isn't just any typical healthy living post, this is geared directly to the needs of all artists (that means you too bloggers, I consider you 'word artists'!) We need specialized tips for our line of work. Alrighty then, let's get started.


Getting the proper exercise is especially important for artists and bloggers because we spend most of the day hunched over our work. This can mess up your spine's alignment, which can cause a whole lot of other issues. At the very least, we need to stretch multiple times a day. A perfect way to do this is to practice yoga.

Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise. It's easy on the body while still promoting healthy blood flow and toned muscles. If you're not into cardio or lifting weights, yoga is definitely for you. Not only that, but it's easy to do in the comfort of your own home. There are several YouTube channels you can follow, or, you could use a site like MyYogaWorks*. Whatever you choose, make sure you get moving! Focus on stretching your back, neck, and hands. These areas get the brunt of our work.

*Not an affiliate link, just a really great site I wanted to share!


Eating the proper foods is the foundation for good health. I know this especially well; I have Celiac Disease and changing my diet has helped me heal. There is a 'diet' I'm rather partial to: the paleo diet.

The Paleo Diet is great for all lifestyles because it cuts out all junk food by default. Now that doesn't mean not eating treats, because there are some pretty darn delicious ones like these. But by eating more nutritious foods, you're really supporting your creative process. Processed foods can cause a symptom called "brain fog" (not being able to think clearly or quickly) which can affect your work. How can you come up with new and exciting ideas if your brain is taking a nap? It's time to buckle down and eat healthier!


We creatives tend to be very critical of our own work. This can lead to us having a negative mindset about ourselves and possibly the world around us. Negative thoughts are very bad for your health; they keep you from enjoying life to the fullest.

You see, as artists of all different kinds, we have the job of capturing all that is wonderful and meaningful in this world and funneling into a single artwork. If we live life  through a negative lens, we won't be able to do our job properly. We are here to help people, to inspire them. You may think that using the 'rose colored' lens in life is just plain naïve. But I beg to differ. It's a choice, a choice to see the good. When we make this choice, we realize that nothing is impossible for us. And then, only then, will new heights be reached.


Creative entrepreneurs often spend their entire workday working on their craft. This type of work can make for a very lonely, and arduous day. Making relationships a priority is vital for any person's health.

Artists can become very comfortable in their solitude, but we must push ourselves out into the world. Get our minds off of work, relax, and experience new things. Not only will this enrich our minds and therefore our creative process, but it will also give us that support system we all need on those tough days. Whether it be a family member, a romantic relationship, or a friend, start planning a fun night out in the next week. Leave your work for awhile, be refreshed. Your business will thank you in the end.

Exercise, food, mindset, and relationships are the cornerstones of healthy living for all people, especially artists. This week, get out there and move, eat smart and well, think positively, and have fun with your loved ones.

Do you have any tips for being a healthy artist? Share in the comment section below!

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